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Writer's pictureHannah Applequist

My Experience with Lash Extensions

Updated: Apr 14, 2020

Ever since joining the world of Instagram, I have become more and more aware of so many different existing beauty trends and practices. While I am more of a do-it-at-home kind of girl, there are some things that you just need a professional for! I had heard so many good things about lash extensions and was curious... What would it be like? In this blog post, I am going to share my entire experience with lash extensions, including the process of getting them, why I decided to try them, and if I am going to continue using them!

My First Appointment

When I scheduled my appointment, I was told to not wear any makeup around my eye area, as that can interfere with the lashes. After doing some research ahead of my appointment, I also wore comfortable clothing and wore my hair down (You spend a long time laying down). I was taken back to a cute room with some massage tables and my stylist went through the options for my lashes. Lash extensions are really customizable and I had no idea how many options there were! I would recommend looking at pictures of lashes on Pinterest, or bringing in a pair of false lashes to show your stylist, so they can see what you would like. I chose to have a natural look with "C" curl lashes.

Once I got comfortable, my stylist then placed gel pads under my eyes that covered my bottom lashes to keep them from sticking to the top. This was probably the most uncomfortable part of the appointment, because those pads have to get very close to your eyes in order to cover the bottom lashes. After that, I just closed my eyes, and my stylist got to work! The first appointment lasted exactly 2 hours (lots of time to meditate, reflect on life, fall asleep...) and then, viola, they were done! Two hours does feel like an eternity for me.. I, personally, can't sit still for long amounts of time without having something to do, but this was good for me!

The cost of my first appointment was around $130. I also purchased a cleaning solution and applicator brush, and was sent home with a lash brush and instructions card.


I have naturally light hair, so my eyebrows and lashes have always been pretty much invisible without product. They have been dyed a little by my mascara and eyebrow makeup over the years but given time, they just fade completely. I have only worn false lashes twice and couldn't get them to stay on right either time, so I knew that I should try lash extensions to get that false eyelash look without having to put them on myself.


After my first appointment, my lashes were amazing! They were dark, full, and long. They also had such a great shape! I was so happy with the results.

At Home

To give the glue time to adhere to your lashes, you cannot get the extensions wet for the first 24 hours. I try not to get them wet very much at all. You also cannot use any makeup or makeup remover/eye products with oil in them, as that weakens the glue. Luckily, I did not have to change anything about my routine, as my products didn't contain any oil. In addition, you are not supposed to use mascara on your extensions (you don't need it anyways). I still use eyeshadow, eyeliner, and I do put mascara on my bottom lashes with no problems.

The only thing I do to care for the extensions is clean them with the solution morning and night. I also brush them about once a day. I usually do that after I put on makeup so that they look their best when I leave the house!

I have tried to follow those instructions above and have been gentle on my eyes in general. I try not to rub or touch them. I lose between 0 to 6-ish lashes a day, which is pretty normal. Your extensions should fall out as you shed your normal lashes.

The Fill Appointment

I have been going back in every two weeks to get a lash fill. Fills are just like the original process, but only take about an hour and only cost $35. This is the recommended time frame, as the longer you wait to get a fill, the more extensions fall out and the more that you have to get filled in. This time around, I felt more comfortable with the pads under my eyes and might have fallen asleep for a bit... I did feel a little sick after this appointment because my anxiety took over and I got a bit antsy. I am hoping this next appointment goes a little better. Other than my own anxieties, the appointment was great and I came away with newly refreshed lashes!

Before and After the Fill

While I didn't have the opportunity to take pictures after the appointment, I did snap this quick selfie when I got to my studio. The top picture is before my fill appointment. After, they looked just like they did the first time I got the extensions put in, but took way less time and money!

Final Thoughts

Personally, because I have such light natural lashes and am no good at putting on false lashes, I think lash extensions are the way to go! I might eventually get tired of having to go in and get them refilled, especially if my anxiety continues through these sessions. For now, I will continue getting them filled every two weeks and have so enjoyed having them! They really aren't that much of a hassle to take care of. I can wear the same amount of makeup and use all the same products that I was using before and have fuller and longer lashes as well!

I have been going through a skin journey as well and, thanks to my dermatologist, have clear skin for the first time in 12ish years. I am starting to feel more confident wearing no makeup and the goal is to be able to wear less makeup in general over time. I have already started wearing lighter foundation or CC creams instead of full coverage! My lash extensions give me a little more confidence when running errands or answering the door at home with a clean face. I am glad to have more freedom in that way to embrace my natural beauty!

If you are interested in lash extensions, talk to your stylist with any questions! Mine was super helpful and knowledgeable! You can also check out some of the articles that I did when researching extensions, listed below:



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